UP, UP and AWAY!
OK. So, my two year old may be little for his age, but as the last of 5 kids, he is definitely tough and determined. When he wants to climb up in bed with me, he reaches as far as he can with both hands to grab the sheet and he pulls with all his might as his little frog legs flip around searching for something with leverage. That is when he found false anchorage on my night-time reading pile of magazines and a novel. With one strong push, there went my pile, and my night stand lamp and everything made a crash landing. Ahhhg!
First of all, I obviously had too much junk on my night stand. Second of all, I know better about the lamp!! So, for all of you out there who can relate to my story... If you have small night stands or little kids or both, try investing in wall sconces. They run about $30+ and they are actually really pretty. You can also get a cord cover for about $8 that will hide the cord behind the metal protector - keeping it out of sight from curious hip-high eyes and fingers.
Ahhhh. A clean and organized table surface, now with space to spare. And the lamp? Up, up and away! Sigh...
A great and inexpensive place to start your search for bedroom wall sconces:
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